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Set Computer Technology

The company was founded in 1999 by American and European millionaire businessmen, the main shareholders of Set Computer Technology, are:
The S. Pommier G. Ph.D. (Main shareholder and owner of the Companies) Computer Systems Engineer, Financial Auditor and Criminal Lawyer, Executive in several American Companies and main contractor of the United States Government since 2005, PhD in Information Security, expert in Prevention of Cyber ​​Crimes and Cyber ​​Terrorism for the Administrations of the Government of the United States of America, currently one of the important brains within the Intelligence Offices in the Government of President Biden, he is also a professor at prestigious Universities in the United States such as: MIT ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Harvard.
General (retired) Lincoln Villin Fernsby (chairman of the board of shareholders) Executive of several companies in the world, being one of the richest people in Europe and the United States of America, especially in England and New York, respectively.
General (retired) Michael Edevane Seiger (Vice Chairman of the Board of Stockholders) was Commander of several Intelligence Units in the United States and served in the Special Forces.
As General Manager of the Company in the United States of America, in the city of Los Angeles is the MSc.Engr. Roberth DeWitt, with a long career in the field of Systems Engineering, graduated with Honors from Harvard University, directs the Company from Los Angeles, California.
In Latin America we have as General Manager the MSc. Ldo. Marco Oporto Labayen, with a career as a Professional in Information Systems, Professor of several Universities in Latin America.
The MSc. Lawyer. Javier Moldiz Unzueta, Legal Director of the Company, are responsible for the Latin American countries as Shareholders and leaders of the Softsistem South America Company and Set Computer Technology Latin America.
It all started in Miami, as a consulting project for private institutions and providing learning to students from the most prestigious universities in that country, but since they were recognized for having futuristic visions in software development, they were first called to work with the Government of the United States of America, where to this day they are external consultants to the Department of Defense and Military Intelligence, in addition to other Agencies, were the ones who greatly promoted the company and made it one of the number one companies in America and the world. .
Today, with more than twenty years in technology, we are in more than fourteen countries, including Europe, Asia, America and South America, whom we advise as experts and ethical hackers, our motto and standard is to protect the computer security of your Companies, Entities Governmental and private, and we do all this with our own technology and created in the same Company.

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